Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So nice not to have to answer to SU!!

Its a good thing I am not an SU demo. I would hate to have to tell them to BUZZ OFF cause they are so SELFISH!!! I feel sorry for them that they are now going to lose so many talented demos, but they did it to themselves. They should go back to Kindergarden and learn how to share!!

Well anyway...... Here is the first card I made with my Fire Cracker Designs by Pamela Elephant set. Thanks for getting this set made Pam!!! I used the Grass CB folder for the background panel. This lovely card went off in the mail on a long journey to Maine;0)
Yay Hooray the first day of school TODAY!! Had to pull out my Oxford Impressions school set, and Dylan spied this school bus I had forgotten about from All Night Media. How fun!!

Another from Oxford Impressions!! Now that the kids are back in school I can spend a lot more time in the studio. YAY for ME!! Dylan starts in 2 weeks, until then it is me and my little man. Today we have a movie date, time to go!!
Well would you look at that!! Three COUNT EM 3 stamp companies in one post. How lovely to be me!!!!

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